Omaha Gives Gifts Exceed 2017 Budget Goals


Omaha Gives 2017 Gifts

Gifts Total $4,345

We passed our goal of $4,000!
Thank you!

What an exciting day! Final gifts total including Omaha Gives campaign bonus funds will be available in a few weeks.

We are deeply grateful for the gifts from our 43 wonderfully generous donors:

Anonymous (4)
Douglas Bottger
Patrick Brusnahan
Mary-Alice Christensen
Terry and Catherine Ferguson
Timothy L. Forsyth
Kathleen Garrean
Paul Goble
Kristin Harper
Melanie Hausner
Kevin Hendrix
Edward Hurd
Abigail Jackson
Vivian Kesar
Janet Koenig
Paul Koenig
Karen Lange
Bobbi Larsen
Steve Likes
Sherryl Lilley
Christine Lind
John Love
Diane McEniry
Jim McNamara
William McTwiggan
Gladys A. Merlitti
Emily Nave
Brandon Odom
Amanda Patrick
Sara Pirtle
Jana E. Prescott Charitable Foundation
Brianne K. Ryba
Darlene Schiefelbein
Robert D. Shuster
Dana Sloan
Glenn Smith
Sharon Struve
Orene Taylor
Del and Phyllis Toebben
Stacey Warner

Thank you for your gifts Omaha


Upcoming Events

  • Thurs., June 8 – advance chorus registration opens
  • Sun., Oct. 8 – rehearsals begin at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
  • Sat., Nov. 11 – community outreach mini-concerts
  • Sun., Nov. 19 – 49th annual performance of Handel’s Messiah

Voices of Omaha

The mission of Voices of Omaha is to present an annual performance of Handel’s Messiah without admission charge as a gift to the community.  Voices of Omaha is committed to development of a diverse audience and chorus membership by maintaining relevance in the present, and nurturing musicians of all ages to assure an audience and chorus for the future.

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